Month: novembre 2013



I went to last week in Poggiardo (20/11/2013). Here is very silent but good place. Not a lot of people. The building are very nice in Poggiardo. The people is very hotter but Poggiardo is very cold. I am afriad to winter. I think funny days with me. Bucause Jumpin and volunteers people is very nice. I made friends in Poggiardo. A lot of my friends will be more.

I start Italian course. Italian lenguage is very difficult. I hope learn italian lenguage.

I went to high school yesterday. I make a necklace. It was very nice. I don’t understand İtaliano and they are don’t understand Turkish or English but it’s a bargain! I will go to Training next week. These goes to travel in the Poggiardo. I wonder Poggiardo, Italy. I have made plans for Christmas. I will treval İtaly. For example Roma, Napoli, Florence, Pisa…

I don’t miss Turkey for now.

Meral Time!

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Buongiorno a tutti!

Questa settimana ho fatto molte cose. Per essempıo: ho mandato e-mails per trovare dei partner per l’associozione. Ho participato al corso di lingua İnglese ad  Andrano e sono andata  al corso di lingua İtaliana. Ci siamo incontrati con il mentore, abbiamo parlato dei nostri problemi e abbiamo cercato di trovare soluzioni….

Sono andata a scuola dı arte, ho paticipato a lab di tessuto.

Questi corsi sono  gratis ma dobbiamo pagare il trenio. Oggi Venerdi 29 Novembre dopo ıl pomerıggio andro aı corsi di EU. Il 3 o il 4 Dicembre andremo nella nuova casa. Siamo eccitati!

Adesso sto scrivendo un artıcolo per il blog. Questo è il mio calendarıo settimanale!



I have been lıvıng ın Poggıardo for 19 days. l ‘m partıcıpetıng whole actıvıtıes such as Italıan course, Englısh course and  l’m goıng to Hıgh School to help Englısh teacher. We are 7 turkısh and 2 spanısh. 7 turkısh are so many, isn’t it? But there ıs nothıng to do so we have to get use to lıvıng wıth thıs matter and we have to share what we have Poggıardo ıs really saılent town so to fınd some frıends  ıs absolutly dıfficult. If you want to go somewhere, you should fınd a car. To rent a car ıs also dıfficult. l don’t want to say but l’m ın lıke a hard dream. l belıeve that ıt wıll be better. l wıll do my best, but fırst of all l need to make myself sure….

To sum up l’m stıll here l’m tryıng to do my best…..

I’m not in Coruña Anymore


Il freddo è arrivato a Poggiardo, e non c’è nulla da fare.

Oggi non è il migliore giorno per scrivere una parola da me, ma per fortuna il mio italiano non è molto bravo e qua non devo scrivere nella lingua dove posso parlare più con il mio cuore che con la mia testa. Il freddo arriva a Poggiardo e mi si stringe il cuore. Ho tante cose en la testa e stranamente diventa invece in una tabula rasa. Voglio davvero disegnare fumetti in un spazio da solo, prendere la bici, andare lontano, lontano.

Il freddo è arrivato a Poggiardo, e non c’è la faccio più.

(Lo ho detto prima, oggi non è il migliore giorno per scrivere…)

My first week at Poggiardo


Hi, I’m Dilan. I’m 22 years old and I came to Poggiardo since two days ago (27.11.2013). The trip was very long and very painful to me because I have acrophobia so I felt very, very sick. But finally I came to Jump In and my friends were very helpful and very polite people. They took care to me.

Poggiardo is a little town and I haven’t travelled yet, and haven’t gone to the Italian course neither. I want to go to these lessons and I hope I will learn Italian language.


Poggiardo life


We are waiting to go into our new home, so this week in my apartament is temporary. My volunteers mates will live in a house with me. Our new home was held on.

Our Italian course started this week.  We’re going to the course 2 days a week in Maglie. Maglie is beautiful town.

I started the course in High School Metal.  I went with two friends and I’ve made a copper coiler.

I like to learn new things.

I think more funny days will wait four us.

The advent of Poggiardo

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It was three days since I came to Poggiardo. This place is very nice, quiet place,  with historic buildings.

There aren’t many people in the streets of Poggiardo because of the cold weather.

Jump In, the scope of activities that would make me think very good things for their contribution learning from Valeria primarily interested in us.

Thank you!

500 Fiat Vintage Car ( AUTO D’EPOCA)


La “Fiat Cinquecento” si vede spesso a Poggiardo. Gli abitanti di questo piccolo paese sono appassionati di queste auto d”epoca: soprattutto gli anziani ma anche i giovani preferiscono uscire sulle strade con queste piccole macchine. A seconda del gusto é possibile vedere diversi colori sulle strade. Camminando sulle strade di questo paesino, una persona si sente negli anni “60”.

La Fiat Cinquecento è un tipo di macchina che è stata lanciata da FIAT nel 1966.

Finalmente a Poggiardo!


Hello again everyone! I’m Natalia, I am writing to tell you my first experience as a volunteer.

This week has been very interesting, new volunteers have come to Poggiardo, three partners who also come from Turkey. So now, the family is bigger!

In Jumpin association, we are organizing activities for people, attending courses and in my case a course of metal and other textiles: the experience has been great! Apart from this, we also attended the course in Italian. Personally I really want to learn the language and to be able to communicate with Italian people.

I’ll tell you my first visit in Italy.

The past weekend I visited with some friends Santa Maria di Leuca, beautiful place … I was impressed by the views. The people are very nice in Salento!

The truth is that it was a very full and rewarding week, I hope that the following are well or better!

Strong Greetings to all the wonderful people of Salento!


Europe is facing an economic global crisis that is striking hard especially young people.

Youth unemployment is everywhere rising up and governments seem not to underrate the problem, but however those governments seem to consider primary the problem of older unemplyments with families on their back.

Politics and practices to defeat youth unemployment are weak and faint, with small amounts of money to invest.

Europe is leaving young workers alone with the help of their families and only few institutions approach with courage this dramatic trend.


That’s way the cultural association Jump In, with the support of Region of Puglia and its promotion agency, PUGLIA PROMOZIONE, organized the international cultural exchange “BE ENTRAPREUNERS – THINK THE UNTHINKABLE”, nine days, from the 1st to the 9th November, of debates, seminaries and meetings about new opportunities for young workers here in Puglia and everywhere in Europe.


This cultural exchange had three different fields of discussion: the creative thinking and its use for entrapreunership, the local culture in Puglia and the oppotunities of new business model based on culture and sustainability.


The best feature we’ve noticed in this debates was the international aim: guests were from Estonia, Romania, Portugal, Poland, Greece, Turkey and obvoiusly Italy. Seminaries, debates and meeting were all ran in english, using non-formal education methods and involving local institutions, local workers and common citizens.

Nociglia and other small and beautiful bordering town in the peaceful countryside in Puglia hosted this exchange. Guests had a very good impression of this little know features about Puglia. They had been really impressed by the variety and the architecture’s riches in every little town, with their little historic centre and old avenues.


Coming to conclusions and evaluations, as international guests as local youngsters, workers and citizens agreed on the unique and massive possibilities about new development’s models in Puglia, especially in the field of tourism. Puglia has an incredible mixture of natural, cultural, historical, artistic riches, so this land could be an extraordinary experiment of something absolutely new that we dare to name “total tourism”, a new functional formula to attract tourists in Puglia in every season of the year and not only in the summer like is happening today.


To make this new model come true, there has to be a common commitment to this prospective and a deeper trust in young workers by the institutions. For example local workers, entrapreuners and tour operators should be at the same times competitors in the offer, but partners in the marketing or in the international part of their marketing strategies.